Anna Nalker

Head Coach / Manager

​CrossFit Level I Trainer

​I was first introduced to CrossFit In 2016 in my hometown of Goodyear, Arizona, where I quickly fell In love with the sport. Growing up a competitive swimmer I loved the individuality of CrossFit but even more than that, I loved the community who made me want to work harder and be better every workout. In 2018 I started my coaching journey, coaching both a competitive swim team and CrossFit. After the pandemic I took on the role of manager and director of operations at my home gym, CrossFit Fury, before moving my entire life to Texas in 2022.  For the past 7 years I have seen first hand the amazing things CrossFit is able to do and I love that I can continue being a part of that at Norbeau!

Erin Faulk

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

I found CrossFit when I was 15 years old and it has completely changed the course of my life.  All my time working out has been here at NorBeau.  I have learned so much from the incredible coaches and methodology that CrossFit provides.  I grew up here in Beaumont, graduate from Kelly High School, and I am currently going to Lamar University.  There has been a lot of change in my life over the past 7 years but the one thing that has remained consistent is CrossFit.  I don't know where I would be had I not walked into this gym so long ago and asked Jason, "How do I get fitter?"  The community that I found at NorBeau has been less like a community and more like a family.  Having known so many of the members for so long to call them just friends would be to wrongfully characterize the relationship we share.  The best part about our family at NorBeau is that anyone is welcome.  That included me at 15 years old, super shy and super quiet me, it is also true for anyone else.  I am grateful to give back to the family that has given me so much since I joined.  As a coach I hope I can do my best to help you all move safely, correctly, efficiently, and get fitter.

Nick Swango
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

My fitness journey started the same way as many in the CrossFit community. I was way overweight and no clue where to begin. I had zero athletic background or training as I only played golf when I was growing up. In the past I had tried a few different avenues in hopes of becoming fit. These different avenues resulted in some results but none that would eventually compare the results gained from CrossFit. I knew and had heard about CrossFit for a few years but I was always scared to try it. It wasn’t until one day a close friend asked me to attend a “Bring a friend” Thursday class. That day will forever be engrained into my mind for a few different reasons. One, because it was the most physically challenging activity I had completed up to that point in my life. Two, because the coaches and members welcomed me in with open arms. Even though I was the last one done and scaled every movement the other members kept encouraging me to keep moving. At this point I knew I was hooked. Even though I was physically drained I could not help but smile. I had accomplished something that day and if it wasn’t for the Norbeau community I might have quit on myself. From that day forward I have made the conscious effort the train, learn, and adapt to become a better human. I am 100% ready to help anyone accomplish his or her goals. I was once 100 pounds heavier than I am right now. Its not about can you. Its all about when will you. You can accomplish anything you set your mind too. And with the help and guidance we can get you on the right path to a much heathier life. 

I have always had a passion for athletics and a love for competition. I grew up a gymnast and multi-sport athlete. I began training for gymnastics at age 5 and instantly fell in love with competitive gymnastics. I competed for 8 years, including 2 years at Karolyi’s gym in Houston, Texas. In high-school, I participated in varsity cheerleading and track and field. After high-school, I spent 4 years at Lamar University earning a Bachelor of Science in Pre-Med Biology degree. My continued love for gymnastics led me down a different path however, and I began my career of coaching gymnastics. In 2000, I began coaching gymnastics, tumbling, and cheerleading. I coach with a focus on cultivating hardworking and focused athletes and teams with an emphasis on teamwork and perseverance. I am a former gymnast, turned gymnastics coach, and a little bit more. I am also an avid runner. I run for fun and I run to compete. I began competitive running and racing in 2006. I have run too many races to count; including 5K and 10K distances, several half-marathons (my favorite distance to run), and 5 full marathons. My crossfit journey began when I was introduced to NorBeau Crossfit in May 2019. I began with just one free Saturday class a week for several months. Eventually I progressed to 2-4 days a week. And now, I can’t get enough of it. Crossfit embodies everything I love. A little bit of gymnastics, a little bit of running, a little bit of strength, a little bit of competition...but most importantly, it’s a lot of comradery. The support from the members and coaches is incomparable. The friendships I’m making are ones that will last a lifetime. Likewise, the lessons I’m learning about fitness, nutrition, health and wellness are immeasurable. I am a goal-oriented and energetic coach who aspires to motivate with high-energy, a positive attitude and a drive to succeed. With over 20 years of coaching experience I aim to inspire athletes to do their best, as well as, motivate and educate them in how to achieve their goals safely and effectively.

Mikey Smith

​CrossFit Level 1 Trainer


Jason Wilkins


CrossFit Level II Trainer

​Athletics and competition have always been part of my life. I was fortunate enough to succeed in high school athletics and get the chance to play D-1 basketball at Nicholls State University. Once my basketball career came to an end, my desire to remain active and “fit” continued. I spent the next couple of years pursuing my fitness goals in the fitness center type setting until my sister told me about this “workout program” she had heard about through one of her friends. I couldn’t even tell you what the workout was but all I remember is that is was terrible!! I spent the next several years doing CrossFit on my own and finally walked into my first box in March of 2013. The results I have seen from that point have been huge. I can do more things than I ever thought my body would allow me to do. The community aspect of CrossFit is what I think separates it from any other fitness programs out there. The community gives you the ability to push through things and work harder than you ever would be able to by yourself. I love pushing myself, I love competition, I love doing challenging things, and I love helping people realize the same things I have realized through CrossFit!